Matugga Chat September 2019

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News from the Revival Centre straight from the desk of Madam Allen Ssekindi Champions Coordinator and Co-Director of Revival Centre.

Revival Updates
Bishop Ivan made his annual trip to the United Kingdom and a lot of blessings have been realised. Among which are: a consignment of text books and a television for the class room which is being shipped over; funds for the nursery toilet; funds for our two additional champions to go on into further education; and the school links strengthened through classroom exchange.

The Champions
When we first started the champions’ programme, we weren’t sure of what the results would be or even what to expect. We knew that we wanted to save as many of these suffering children as possible, but beyond that we weren’t sure of the course God had planned for us, or how and where the funds would come from. We were overjoyed when so many of you felt the same way. The struggles of suffering children touched your hearts and you just knew, like us, that you had to do something to stop it. Together we have done just that! We have taken children off the streets, some out of the dumps and garbage bins and have literally saved their precious lives. Thank you! Without your compassionate heart and generous gifts, none of this would have happened and these children would have simply perished! It should be noted that all support given not only benefit these children but it benefits the entire community.
I am happy to report that Revival Centre has continued to care for around 150 underprivileged children by providing breakfast tea and two hot meals a day, quality education, accommodation, recreation facilities, sanitation, hygiene and health care with medical experts for the boys and girls.
The help is given to children studying at any level from kindergarten to senior six with additional support given to the best student each year to study for higher education. A good number of students have benefited from this scheme. These children are loving, kind, generous and compassionate people who are aware and tremendously thankful to you for your investment in their lives.

Further Education Students

While they are starting their new semesters, each of them has performed very well and we have registered no retakes. 
My recent chat with Gitta James indicated that all is well and in three semesters he becomes a medical doctor. He is forever grateful for all the support rendered to him, without which he would be out on the streets and not realising his dreams. He mentioned that he is proud to have gone through Revival Centre. Looking at his personality, humility and conduct, many people enquire about his school and he has always told these people that Revival has made him what he is toda
James says ” I am so grateful that I am soon completing my dream course of becoming a medical doctor.” ( going on to specialise in obstetrics and gynaecology) “I want to help mothers who die of preventable deaths in my country” . He continues “thank you always for supporting me and making sure my dream comes true”.

Ketra now in second year and smiling thanks to GACAH
Agnes thought she was dreaming when she received her tuition

Nakato Rebecca is in her third year now is doing well just like Ketra who is in her second year. They both feel so privileged to have the opportunity of being sponsored at that level. 
Agnes is the lucky student who joined the programme having been the best Champion Student in her year of study. Agnes wanted to study Journalism, we are grateful for the charity support, which has enabled this young, underprivileged girl to achieve her goal. Her grandmother found the news so exciting that she could not help crying tears of joy. 
Nakabanda Rebecca has enrolled for an in-service course on a Bachelor of Arts in Education, where she will be studying while the schools are in holidays. She will have a residential training for three weeks and will break off for as long as term time is still on. 
Kusasira Stuart is doing a course in Graphics and Design. We have managed to get him a second hand laptop to help his studying. He will be looking for contracts, where his instructor will help him, so as to be able to earn as he pays the rest of the tuition. 
Ddumba Gideon completed his three year course and is now waiting for his results. He is also trying to find a job in Business management. 

Vocational Training

When we started a vocational centre in 2014, it was due to the realisation that some of our children were not academically inclined, but with some help they could realise their full potential and profit their various communities with vocational skills.
However, the programme failed because of budget constraints. We are now coming back with an idea of reintroducing the scheme, but with new methods.
The new kind of program is being borrowed from the in-service training, which Nakabanda is going to attend. Training is mainly during holidays when term time has closed. The duration is between three weeks to four weeks.

The Schools
During the previous term a lot of activity was going on amidst learning, we ran a school-based chicken project for the children in Primary school where 100 birds were brooded. They were prepared very well and the children and the teachers were able to have a special meal this term.
The primary school also had an Edible Garden Project, intended to be for study purposes and also to produce high quality, vitamin-rich foods. According to the class teacher, gardening is educational and develops new skills including:
Responsibility– caring for plants.
Self-confidence – from achieving their goals and enjoying the food they have grown.
Physical activity – doing something fun and productive.
Cooperation – including shared play activity and teamwork.
Creativity – finding new and exciting ways to grow food.
Nutrition – learning about where fresh food comes from developing a love of nature. 
They set up a small vegetable garden on the existing premises. They have mainly grown tomatoes and some leafy vegetables. The yields were great and the tomatoes were enjoyed by the entire school community.


Overall, we have reached many milestones and the children are in a better place thanks to the partnership between GACAH, our many supporters and Revival Centre.
As a ministry we are grateful to all the helping hands.

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Registered Charity No. 1153184

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