Update from The Revival Centre May 2020

Update from The Revival Centre Matugga May 2020

Uganda’s lock down was extended for a further two weeks from 19th May and now anyone making an essential journey has to wear a government approved facemask.
We speak to Ivan and Allen each week to get news and then plan what support is possible. Revival Centre joined in with an inter faith community humanitarian initiative to provide food for households who were starving. GACAH sent a donation towards that which went into the general pool together raised by other groups. Enough food was purchased and distributed by the army and Red Cross to reach 2,500 needy families in Matugga. 
Ivan reports that generally the community is ‘surviving’ but as around the world, people are fearful of the virus itself and they have many fears and anxieties for the future. Everyone is anticipating huge increases in the price of food and transportation which is causing considerable concern, as is the fear of the inevitable increase in unemployment.

Revival Centre, along with other schools, have been asked to prepare for the return of just three classes on June 8th, those classes are the ones that are eligible to sit exams within this academic year – Primary 7, Senior 4 and Senior 6.  The Government has issued guidelines for the schools re-opening but there is no financial support toward these requirements.  All rooms must be cleaned and fumigated and staff and students must have robust social distancing measures in place. All must wear face masks and health is to be monitored with temperature guns. GACAH are sending funds to cover these items together with the usual monthly gift, which must now cover the provision of food for all the children whether champions or not.  As usual we will also pay for the costs required by the government to register all the Champions who are sitting the state exams.
The Further Education institutions currently remain closed but we shall be sending money to meet the accommodation costs of our university students in order to retain their accommodation ready for their eventual return to study.
Please keep All those in Matugga in your heart and thoughts, Ivan as he ministers to his people and the partnership team as they consider what the financial impact from the pandemic might be.

We will send further news on a regular basis.

Bishop Ivan with the posho and beans, part of which was funded by GACAH
The team of volunteers ready to distribute the emergency food supplies

Coronavirus doesn’t stop our supporters fundraising!
A month ago the Basham family took part in the 2.6 Challenge to raise some funds for The Revival Centre. The 2.6 challenge is a physical challenge aimed at supporting all charities. The Bashams set themselves the following tasks:
  • Dad – 2.6 km run 
  • Mum – 26 minutes hula hooping
  • Hope – 26 hide and seeks
  • Joy – 26 minutes trampolining
  • Judah – 26 star jumps
  • Iva – 26 slides
Lawrence said “We obviously had a great day and were all exhausted by the evening, Jem has been struggling with a hula related issue today! The best news is we think we’ve raised somewhere close to £1400 for the Ivan and the team at Revival, although this is less than anticipated income from the cancelled (Trail) race it is still fantastic and a great relief to know the community there are still being supported. Much love Lawrence, Jemma, Hope, Joy, Judah and Iva xxxx
A HUGE thank you to the Bashams for their amazing efforts and the funds raised, some of which have gone towards the posho and beans bought for the Matugga community.
If you would like to donate towards this humanitarian initiative or for emergency funds for Revival, the fund-raising page is still open along with the normal GACAH Virgin Giving page and all funds will go to helping the Revival Centre and those most in need in Matugga. 

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Registered Charity No. 1153184

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